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11【佛化人生】現貨 無名: 皈依時間的中心 紅皇后原文本 The Uninscribed

NT$ 1,130.00




未來 是 就像道德經前言所述一般:道可道、非常道、名可名、非常名…。未來是無可描述、無以名狀、無法想像。什麼被遺忘了?什麼要回憶起來?這本「無名: 皈依時間的中心」,讓讀者聚焦瞭解社會虛假象背後的內在旅程,以及最原始的教育理念,進入到新時間的核心。因而,我們能夠再次憶起埋藏已久、被遺忘的記憶寶藏。

斯蒂芬妮·南(Stephanie South)以其獨有的坦誠與清晰的思路,讓讀者領略她在星際馬雅心智傳輸通道108X (GM 108X)的傳承中,作為瓦倫姆·沃坦(Valum Votan)的繼承者最初的旅程。



The Future is Uninscribed
What has been forgotten? What are we here to remember?

The Uninscribed: Initiation into the Heart of Time takes readers on a riveting inner journey behind the veil of social fictions and unexamined indoctrinations, straight into the heart of a new time. It is here that buried treasures of lost memory are retrieved.

With refreshing honesty and clarity, Stephanie South offers a glimpse into her initiatic journey from apprentice to successor to Valum Votan in the GM108X mind lineage.

Disguised as a “spiritual memoir,” this book is a template for perceiving your own life from the other side of history.

The Uninscribed is a New Beam genesis story. The past must first be understood, healed, and integrated for the future to come into full view.

We can never find the Truth without seeking.